Interface IStoredClientOpts



canResetEntireTimeline: ResetTimelineCallback

A function which is called with a room ID and returns a boolean. It should return 'true' if the SDK can SAFELY remove events from this room. It may not be safe to remove events if there are other references to the timelines for this room.

clientWellKnownPollPeriod?: number

The number of seconds between polls to /.well-known/matrix/client, undefined to disable. This should be in the order of hours. Default: undefined.

crypto?: Crypto
disablePresence?: boolean

True to perform syncing without automatically updating presence.

experimentalThreadSupport?: boolean
filter?: Filter

The filter to apply to /sync calls.

includeArchivedRooms?: boolean

True to put archived=true</code> on the <code>/initialSync request. Default: false.

initialSyncLimit?: number

The event limit= to apply to initial sync. Default: 8.

lazyLoadMembers?: boolean

True to not load all membership events during initial sync but fetch them when needed by calling loadOutOfBandMembers This will override the filter option at this moment.

pendingEventOrdering?: PendingEventOrdering

Controls where pending messages appear in a room's timeline. If "chronological", messages will appear in the timeline when the call to sendEvent was made. If "detached", pending messages will appear in a separate list, accessbile via getPendingEvents. Default: "chronological".

pollTimeout?: number

The number of milliseconds to wait on /sync. Default: 30000 (30 seconds).

resolveInvitesToProfiles?: boolean

True to do /profile requests on every invite event if the displayname/avatar_url is not known for this user ID. Default: false.

slidingSync?: SlidingSync

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